Sunday, 9 February 2020

Minor hero for the goats

With a wet day at home i've managed to get a minor hero done and also started to put some paint on the Khornegors. Back to work tomorrow so... no painting!

WFB 6th edition gets started

So after many months messing about, i've finally got a phone with a good camera on it, a Samsung S10.

After seeing the club at Sutherland taking up WFB 6th ed I decided to join in. I've always wanted a fantasy army but never had the cash, time or people to play against all at the same time!

I started off wanting an Orc and Goblin force but changed my mind to Beasts of Chaos as some miniatures became available at a good price.

So here's the first unit, some centigors. I copied the scheme from the army book as I liked the colour so much, but it took some doing!

I will add more stuff as I get it done.