I went to Partizan show in Newark today. All I wanted was one Battlefront Honey Stuart. Not one stall there sold ant Flames of War products! Bad sign? Time will tell.
So as usual I was blinded by new shiny miniatures. I bought 8 Empress Miniatures British modern Infantry, i'll use these in Skirmish Sangin, a ruleset I picked up a few months ago.
The other random purchase was a Blood Bowl treeman, to go with another recent random purchase of some Blood Bowl Halflings. Just need one more treeman for the team now.
Otherwise the show was fairly good. I would comment on lighting, I have excellent eyesight and could barely make some miniatures out in the larger room. Other folks must have been blind!
Great to see my man Scrivs and his Verdun project on the display games, inspired me to get my Great War Brits done ASAP.