Sunday, 2 February 2014

The lead mountain: 2014

I've finally sorted a space for me topaint again, after repeatedly being evicted by new children for the last few years! I'm in the cellar now. Its cold and underground, but on the plus side theres no toddlers to 'play' with my ongoing projects and I could weather a nuclear war and not miss out on painting time! So, heres my lead mountain as at Jan 1: 8th army infantry platoon 1 - SOLD 8th army infantry platoon 2 - SOLD 8th army infantry platoon 3 - SOLD 25 lb battery 1 - SOLD 25 lb battery 2 - SOLD Gebirgsjager platoon 1 Gebirgsjager platoon 2 Gebirgsjager Pioneer plt Gebirgsjager Artillery battery 1 Gebirgsjager Artillery battery 2 Gebirgsjager Mortar battery Gebirgsjager PaK 40's 1 Gebirgsjager light guns Gebirgsjager PaK 40's 2 German MW Tiger platoon German Elefant platoon German 8 rads x 4 Hungarian Bikes Hungarian Infantry Hungarian Pioneers Hungarian Nebs Hungarian Tigers Hungarian Panthers FJ Company Command FJ Platoon 1 FJ Platoon 2 MW Panzer platoon 1 MW Panzer platoon 2 German 88's German leFH18 battery German HMG platoon 28mm German grenadiers 28mm German SdKfz 222 28mm German Opel Blitz 28mm German PaK40 28mm German mortar unit 28mm Sudan British Foundry DAK Rommels Stuarts Russian SU122 plt 1 Russian SU122 plt 2 Russian SU122 plt 3 Russian SU122 plt 4 Sturmvogel ME262 DAK SdKfz 222 plt Panzergren heavy platoon SdKfz 251's DAK panzergrens IS2 platoon Gebirgsjager HQ 8th Army HQ ISU122 platoon 4 T34/76's Panzerwerfer 42 battery FJ Marder II platoon 18 Foundry Norman Knights 24 Foundry Norman Archers 28mm perry DAK platoon Quite a bit to get done!

Monday, 27 January 2014

Initial thoughts on the Festungs company. 6 platoons. 2 Ultra defence platoons, should very capably hold their own against most enemies, 4 88's in nests is NASTY. 4 mobile(ish) platoons to cope with fair fights (to a degree!) or allow a 50/50 set up with all the good stuff on. I think i'll make up one of the platoons to see how I feel about the whole thing. The good thing here is that its a cheapo list, 90% of the stuff can be home made. Watch this page...

Saturday, 25 January 2014

D Day 70th anniversary looms...

With the 70th anniversary of the D Day landings looming, and a Flames Of War late period themed event run by the reluctant Conscripts also planned, its time to wonder what army to do to remember this amazing feat of military planning and engineering, and all the lives lost and saved as a result.

I already own a Wehrmacht 352nd Infantry division force. This is based on the units just inland from the invasion itself, and is quite tasty to use with 8 Marder IIIM's, 150mm artillery and 3 full platoons of MG wielding Confident Vet troops, amongst much more.

I also own the core of a British Para army, painted by Ian Mann, another cracking force to play with.

I've had the idea floating in my head that i'd do a fortified company however. These companies can be very unwieldy in the game, and the current list structures are hard to make competitive in my personal opinion. You can field a viable army based on the brittany lists than only requires 1 fortified platoon, and can have nice additions to it. This may well be a 'good' tournanment list, but misses what i'm looking for.

So I think i'll do a 2 platoon fortified list, based on the 343 brittany festungs company. 2 fortified platoons with a full odds and sods to fill out the points allowances. It will not be able to attack in any real form, but then its not supposed to! I'll make it as its supposed to be, a defensive beast, and will shrug my shoulders should I have to attack at all.

More to follow...

First foray into blogging

The internet has existed for years, but i've never really done much other than read other peoples entries.

So i've decided to start clogging up the internet with my own drivel. The intention of this blog is to make me catch up with wargames miniature painting. Like most gamers I buy a lot more miniatures than I need, they cost a bomb too. They sit in my cellar until I remember them, and then I sell them on at a loss. Daft. So if I paint them first i'll hopefully make more on them, or even actually game with them!

Lets ee if I do...
